Friday, July 17, 2009

What’s all the kerfuffle about “Universal Healthcare”?

Okay, I know I don’t post here often, but I have to say something here about this “Universal Healthcare” hoopla that’s going on in the US as they finally catch on to what the rest of the developed world has known for a LONG time now.

Universal Healthcare is a GOOD thing.

I will note here that my opinions here are primarily related to my experiences in the UK, under the NHS. That being said, let’s begin.

Everyone (And I do mean everyone) is eligible to receive care under the NHS. Poor? You’re covered. Student? You’re covered too. Unemployed? Yup, you’re fine. Working? Sure, you can still take advantage of the NHS. Multi-Millionaire? You can get it too. When we say “Universal”, we mean “Everyone”.

You want a doctor? Go pick one out of the phone book. Need to go to hospital? Call 999 (The UK equivalent of 911), and they’ll take you to the closest one, no charge. Need medicine? If it’s available OTC, just go to your local pharmacy and buy it. If it’s prescription only, go to your doctor. They’ll make sure you actually, medically, need it, and give you a scrip for it. Take that scrip to your pharmacy, pay £8.50 (Around $17), no matter what it is or how many there are, and pick up your drugs. Oh, and if you’re a full-time student, unemployed or retired, you pay nothing. Need to see the optician, or a dentist? That’ll set you back around £30 ($60), unless you’re a student, unemployed or retired, as above, then it’s free. Working with computers? Then your employer is legally required to pay for an eye check-up every 6 months. Need glasses? You can choose NHS-subsidised frames (Generally not the most stylish, but they will certainly do the job), or you can go with a brand-name pair, of which part of the cost may be subsidised.

If you have plenty of money, or if your employer offers it, you can (also) choose to have private medical insurance. So if you need a prescription and you’re working, the insurance takes care of it. If you need a procedure, and the wait time is too long on the NHS, you can choose to have the procedure done in a private hospital on your private medical insurance. And typically, if you elect to have a procedure on the NHS, the private insurance will pay you the equivalent of how much it would have cost to be treated privately.

Doctors on the NHS are incentivised to keep their patients healthy. They get a bonus for things like helping patients quit smoking. In fact, doctors are paid on the quality of life of their patients, not the turnover rate or the cost saved.

It does have to be said, waiting times on the NHS are longer for some non-critical procedures, but as you have the option of going private to avoid that queue, it is a reasonable choice, and certainly better than no care at all.

At no point have I ever had a bureaucrat say “No”. In fact, I have never been refused any kind of medical treatment on the NHS. I’ve never had to wait overlong for a procedure (though in fairness, I’ve never had a life-threatening ailment), and I’ve never had a problem with the care I received.

I know full well it was paid for from the income tax taken from my paycheque, but the amount was never onerous and never left me destitute, and wages were paid well in relation to the job done and the costs involved. Indeed, looking at US wages and the cost of US health plans, an equivalent health plan would cost many times the amount I was paying for the entirety of my income tax.

Universal Healthcare is not socialism, just as a universal police service, or universal fire coverage is not socialism, just like a universal civil defence force (the army/navy/marines/coastguard) is not socialism. It’s the fulfilment of a fundamental human right. It’s the very first one, in fact. “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. So, what’s the problem? And why don’t you have this already?


  1. I too lived in the UK for the first 25 years of my life, then emigrated to the USA. I've had excellent health insurance and care through my employer, not everyone is that lucky.
    But, given the choice I would never go back to the so called 'free NHS' is deplorable treatment and in some cases did not adequately treat my family members. Remember, you get what you pay for.
    Ling Abel

  2. The NHS isn't "Free", you do pay for it through your income tax (Well, the "National Insurance" part, technically). I'd be interested to know what you mean by "did not adequately treat". Were they misdiagnosed, or poorly treated while under NHS care?

    I guess my question is, was it the fault of the NHS system, or was it the fault of the individual doctor (which can happen under any situation, including private healthcare - perhaps even more so, as you would be restricted to only your private healthcare's doctors and hospitals).

  3. Thanks Robert for your comments, and yes you are absolutely correct NHS is not free. Although when looked at from the other side of the coin, its considered almost free. The amount they take from your paycheck pales in comparison with the cost to provide cancer care coverage, or for that matter any life threatening major illness.
    Speaking for myself my NHS dentist treated me for years after a childhood accident broke my front teeth. He made my teeth look even worse ! When I finally came here to the USA my new dentist said 'whoever did this to your teeth needs to have their license removed" my new dentist worked wonders and now I'm happy with the results. Both my parents died while in the care of their local Health Trust and I visited them - the hospital was like a second world war
    era, with mixed wards- I even had to take my Dad's pajama's home and wash them because the laundry facilities were so bad, and yes I cleaned up around his bed more than once.....I could go on and on but wont.
    Thanks for giving me the chance to vent. I should have moved my parents here to the USA years ago, I regret that I did not.
    Best Wishes Robert, and only time will tell about the American Universal Health Care.
