Sunday, April 29, 2001

Whoppee! I'm writing again. I don't know why, but last night i wrote the beginnings of a short story. When it gets to a semi-complete state I'll post it somewhere, but until then you'll have to wait-and-see.

Saturday, April 28, 2001

Unwell... That's me. :(

I hate being sick, and fortunately, it doesn't happen that often. But right now there's a rather virulent bug going round the office that's taking no prisoners.

It's spring, and I'm ill. It's not right.

However, I can take comfort in my lovely new Palm m105 handheld. It's very swanky, and is keeping me company.

What more can I say? Another day, another site rewrite. In english, this time (fortunately), but we've got to rewrite the pricing system and multi-basket structure, and no-cookie-ify it... a nightmare!

I'm not enjoying this one bit. Nosiree. And being at work on a weekend isn't helping either, I can tell you.

Sleep's calling me... shame I'm too busy to answer. Ho hum.

Oh, and there have been some changes to my site (, but now (thanks to NS4's lousy CSS support) it looks absolutely horrible in NS4 (Just where does that shade of pink/purple come from?). In NS6, the colours are AOK, but the damned tabled are screwed to hell and back, and in IE... Well, it works in IE, thank goodness.

Oh, and I'm somewhere around on See if you can see me...

Oh, okay, here's a link to me.

6.4. Erk. What's wrong with me, ladies?

And that was a rhetorical question, but Answers would be appreciated

Monday, April 23, 2001

I've got my very own Forums! Come and drop me a message or something...

Tuesday, April 17, 2001

Welcome to the Church of Jedi! :)
Well, it's a Tuesday morning (Although it feels like a Monday, what with having the long bank holiday off an' all), and I'm back into work (Hence the Blog update).

So, what's happening? Well, I'm thinking of moving my Blog onto somewhere not ad-supported (Away from Blog*Spot, then), but I'm not sure on that one, I'll let you all know when I know the logistics of the operation.

These sure are long words for 9:42am!

So, that's it for this riveting installment (!), any and/or all comments, as usual go to me.

Monday, April 9, 2001

There were some problems with Blogger not so long ago, but they're all solved now (Or so I hope)...

I've just got (And have been playing to death) Black & White by Lionhead Studios Ltd.


As always, shit's happenin' (As you may be able to tell from my iMood), but I'll get through it. I always do. :/

Anyway, that's it for now.

Tuesday, April 3, 2001

Stuart's gonna start throwing some designs around for my site... I've decided to ditch the whole "IE Searchbar" look'n'feel, as it really wasn't working.

So, what to do, what to do...

Listen to the Moonlight Sonata, I guess, and get on with it. Life's hard.