Wednesday, January 31, 2001

It's okay. I got a proper (Foil-wrapped) Kitkat today, so I'm happy(er) than I was...

Damn, developing's hard work, tho...

Tuesday, January 30, 2001

It's a Winamp Forums thread that may have gotten a little out of hand... Oh Dear

Tuesday, January 23, 2001

Someone Here's pointed out something rather unfortunate... She reckons that the "S" that should be in the title has slipped down into the comment. (Thereby correcting the spelling mistake in "Infrequently", and making the title read "Insane ramblings of a Web Developer"). Now, obviously, I cannot uphold this kind of treatment of my Blog, but as I'm an apathetic (Spelled correctly, thank-you. Go look it up in a dictionary if you don't believe me) so-and-so, I'm not going to bother.

That's all for now.
It's an absolute Traversty! They've changed the Traditional Kit Kat wrapping from it's neet-o-kewl Paper-and-Foil wrapping system (as featured in so many of their advertisements) to a dodgy plastic shrink-wrapped cheap-o-nasty system. It's not allowed, I tellsya!

Monday, January 22, 2001

Now listening to "Stephen King - Bag of Bones"... Damn, I love!

Wednesday, January 17, 2001

Yes, I'm hidden in iMood somewhere, see if you can find me!

Monday, January 15, 2001

Ooh, lookey here! It's Winamp, By far and away the finest MP3 player for the PC!

Well, here's what mine looks like...

Well, this is my Blog. I've just started it, so excuse the mess. Hopefully I will update this fairly frequently, but for now, This'll do.